Generate relative class abundances of original (finer resolution) grid cells for scaled (coarser resolution) grid cells

relative_abundance_scaled_grid(x, class_field, scale_factor, verbose = FALSE)



SpatRaster object with categorical data (factor)


field name in the attribute table of the raster to be used as class names


ratio of lower (scaled) resolution to higher (original) raster resolution (resolution of lower resolution divided by resolution of higher resolution)


bolean; if TRUE progress will be printed in console; default = FALSE


A data frame with relative abundance of classes. The first two columns are x and y coordinates; all other columns are counts of cells for each class.


# load categorical raster
r <- terra::rast(system.file("extdata/nlm_mid_geom_r3_sa0.tif", package = "landscapeScaling"))

# subset the raster
r_sub <- terra::crop(r,terra::ext(0,300,0,300))

# generate relative abundance of original classes for a scaled grid with scale factor of 15
rel_abund <- relative_abundance_scaled_grid(r_sub,class_field='cover',scale_factor=15)

#>    x y          A        B        C
#> 1  0 0  4.8888889 38.22222 56.88889
#> 2 15 0 10.2222222 38.66667 51.11111
#> 3 30 0 20.0000000 42.66667 37.33333
#> 4 45 0 24.8888889 40.44444 34.66667
#> 5 60 0  0.8888889 28.00000 71.11111
#> 6 75 0 17.7777778 37.33333 44.88889